Background: We launched our app about a month ago and it's been picking up steam since. We got some coverage on readwriteweb and lifehacker and there began an onslaught of new users.
As exhilarating as it is to see users streaming in and refreshing the user count every 4 seconds, seeing user frustration like, "Thanks so much, for wasting 4 hours of my d*&#. I lost all my work because your effin app crashed my f&^%" very tough on my soul.
After trading emails with the users and apologizing with every fiber of my being, I was drowning in a sea of desperation. How can we fix this? There are so many issues with this damn application, how do I prioritize? Our team is already moving at max there a way we can speed things up?
All these questions with no solution. Where's the silver lining in all this???
Then my alter ego, Sunshallow, chimed in..."hey have people using the app for 4 hours....isn't that a good thing??...doesn't this mean someone actually cares about your cr-apphead!"
By all definition, Sunshallow is a prick and I try not to listen to him all that often, he is a big picture guy that doesn't really care about the day-to-day issues and "getting things done"....but in this case I think he might be right. Before we launched, I had some guesses who the users "might be" but we were developing this in a vacuum. As Sunshallow rightly points out, seeing user hatemails could indicate product/market fit is around the corner.
Thanks sunshallow, I feel better now. BACK TO WORK!!!
Side note: I guess I should be Sunshallow and my alter ego, SunDEEP...makes more sense...right?